After several visits to a doctor, physical therapist, chiropractor and orthopedist, I was finally diagnosed (they think) with partially detached tendons in both my hamstrings. Which means no running, for at least three months. I could dwell (and I have) on all the things I miss about running (especially when I have summers off and could spend a lot of time on the trails), but I am trying to be positive about the whole thing (which supposedly helps with the healing process).
So, on the positive side, I am not totally broken. I can still do a lot of things that do not put tension on the hamstrings. I am now a much improved mountain biker, although I melted my front tire when the bike rack was too low and the car exhaust pipe got it. I never had that problem with my running shoes. I can run a 6 minute mile forwards or backwards (on the eliptical), something I never achieved on the ground. I am getting good at walking backwards uphill (on the stair climber). My swimming is getting better and if only I could run, I think I could knock out that off-road Ironman this year. I'm spending more time in the weight room. Being injured also comes in handy when I get lazy. "I'd really like to wash those dishes, but leaning over the sink puts too much pressure on my hamstrings."
I am going to the Speed Clinic at the University of Virginia next month to get help with rehab and they sounded very positive about being able to get me running right again. So, I hope I can run the Masochist and Hellgate this year (I've never missed a Hellgate). In the meantime, I'll miss the heat, humidity, yellow jackets, and the climb up Whitewater Falls at Laurel Valley for the first time since I've been running ultras. But there's always next year.
west point reveal & explore
5 days ago