Thursday, May 31, 2012

What Were You Thinking?

I know I will ask myself this question many times in the upcoming month.  I have always had the problem of biting off more than I can chew, but then gutting through it anyway.  Sometimes my body has a hard time keeping up with what my brain thinks I can do. For example:

Brain:  Let's run Black Mountain Monster in June.

Body:  Okay! It would be a nice, easy course to do a little 12 hour on for our first race back.

Brain:  Let's sign up for the 24 hour!

Body:  But we've only been "running" since March.

Brain:   We've been running since March.  That's THREE whole months!

Body:  But my longest run has only been about six hours.  That would be four times as long!

Brain:  But we walked 30 miles in 11 1/2 hours in January.

Body:  That was walking.  Six months ago. You're going to make me run. And you do realize that they put our knee back together and Left Quad still wants to grow up and be big and strong like Right Quad?

Brain:  Oh, it'll be fine.  We'll go nice and easy and walk a lot.

Body:  Sure, whatever.

Brain:  Oh, and by the way, three weeks later we are going to run the North Fork 50 miler in Colorado.

Body:  What??? I thought you were going to sign us up for the 50K?  You know we have trouble with asthma and altitude!

Brain:  Oh, suck it up buttercup. We'll get more bang for our buck by getting to see an extra 20 miles of the course.

Body:  Some days, I really hate you.

Brain: you think we can set a new mileage PR this weekend? 

Body:   Like today. I'm telling the doctor on you.